Intelligent Robotic Arms (IRA) Lab


1. UK E-Day

E-Day is the Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering's annual open house, with an estimated 3,000 attendees each year. At each E-Day, our IRA Lab demonstrates the Kinova robot arm, Neuron Perception Motion Capture System, and Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK to the Kentucky K12 students and their parents.



2. Lafayette High School Pre-Engineering Program and Robotics Engineering Program

Each spring semester, Dr. Xie gives a robotics lecture and demo of the Kinova robot arm and Neuron Perception Motion Capture System to the Lafayette High School pre-engineering and robotics engineering students.



3. Research opportunities for high school students

Our IRA lab has hosted four high school students from the Lafayette High School Pre-Engineering Program and Paul Laurence Dunbar High School MSTC Program conducting research in robotics, three of whom are female. These students have been accepted by various prestigious engineering programs, such as Caltech.


4. Research opportunities for Kentucky State University students

Kentucky State University is a public, historically black land-grant university. Given its limited research resources, our IRA lab provided research opportunities for three Kentucky State University students.