Intelligent Robotic Arms (IRA) Lab


1. EE599/699 ME 599/699 Introduction to Robotics

This class will focus on the fundamentals of simulating robot manipulators. Upon successful completion of the course, students shall be able to:
1. Represent position and orientation in different coordinate frames.
2. Build the kinematic model for an arbitrary robot arm.
3. Solve the forward kinematics problem using homogeneous transformation matrices.
4. Solve the inverse kinematics problem using the singular value decomposition of Jacobian matrices.
5. Compute end-effector trajectories using different position and orientation interpolation methods.


2. EE572 Digital Control of Dynamic Systems

This class will focus on the design of digital controls to achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Upon successful completion of the course, students shall be able to:
1. Determine stability of discrete-time and Z-domain models.
2. Analyze models using time domain and frequency domain techniques.
3. Perform root-locus and error analysis for Z-domain models.
4. Design and simulate digital controllers for physical systems.
5. Realize these digital controllers using standard microprocessors.


3. EE305 Elect Circuits/Electron

A service course covering electrical engineering principles for engineering or science students with majors outside of electrical engineering. Topics include: AC and DC circuits analysis. Upon successful completion of the course, students shall be able to:
1. Be able to apply Kirchhoff's Current Law and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law.
2. Be able to apply Ohm's Law, Voltage and Current Divider Rules
3. Be able to apply node voltage analysis, mesh current analysis and superposition.
4. Be able to determine Thevenin and Norton equivalent sources.
5. Be able to explain energy storage devices, such as inductors and capacitors.
6. Be able to perform ac circuit analysis with phasors. Be able to perform power analysis in AC and DC circuits.
7. Be able to perform basic circuit analysis for circuits containing operational amplifiers, transformers and other circuit elements.